Monday 23 December 2013

Spring Breakers

Spring Breakers is a film with no middle ground. You are either going love it with ever being of your body or hate it with a burning passion. If anyone reading this is on the love it side of the argument, I clearly don't see what you guys see. I have never seen a film that licks it's own ass as much as Spring Breakers. This is the definition of the emperor has no clothes and a director (Harmony Korine)  basically glorifying his collect of porn and fooling people into believing this has something too say.

For a film that's glorified porn and doesn't realizes it is, what is it about? 4 girls named Brit (Ashley Benson), Cindy (Vanessa Hudgens), Cotty (Rachel Korine) and Faith (Selena Gomez) who have been the best of friends since grade school. Now live together in a dull (too say the least) college dorm and are hungry for adventure. So Brit, Cindy and Cotty rob a store and all 4 girls use the money to go to Miami for the spring break of a lifetime. An encounter with a rapper named "Alien" (James Franco) promises the girls all of the excitement and thrills they hoped for.

I'll give the film credit if it actually made it's point successfully. I don't mind lots of boobs, but you need more than just boobs too keep things interesting. None of the performances elevate the material, all of the cinematography don't elevate the material and all of the repetition of dialogue (spring break, spring break, spring break) get's crazily annoying after the first time it happens let alone most of the second half when the girls meet Alien.

I can get behind a commentary about the youth of today. I should know I'm one of them and I can tell that this so over exaggerated in it's depiction of youth it becomes insulting.  I understand that their are some people like this but, Korine's film generalizes all young as unholy savages. Not every film has too be realistic but seriously this makes Sucker Punch the bench mark of realism. But points for well done cinematography I guess.

Spring Breakers is 100% style and 0% substance. It offers no really insight on youth culture. It's just porn masquerading it's self as high art. Their will be people claiming that I'm full of shit and just a mindless mouth breather. But, seriously if it wasn't for some pretty cinematography this would easily be the worst film of 2013. As is it's just one of the worst.

Grade Rating: D-

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